Speakers and Topics from HRS

As part of HRS’s commitment to strengthening families, children, and our community, we offer a variety of educational programs for parent, civic, and community groups. We’ve listed a few of our most commonly requested topics below. We’re always glad to tailor a presentation to specific needs and interests.

High Tech / High Anxiety: Managing Your Kids’ Online Lives

Technology and social networking are omnipresent in our kids’ lives—and our own.  How can families maximize the opportunities this offers and minimize the problems it creates?  Parents everywhere are struggling with this dilemma.  We will discuss how to make your home safe for technology and how to make your family safe from technology.  

A Sporting Chance: Finding the Right Balance for Youth Athletics

Youth sports can be a wonderful shared experience for children and parents, one that builds skills and character and teaches life lessons.  But too often a hyper-competitive, win-at-all-cost emphasis creates stress and frustration.  How can parents promote the best of youth sports and avoid the pitfalls?  This program will outline ways to strike the right balance. 

Building Resilience in Children

All parents want their children to become resilient and confident.  But increasingly they find it hard to let their children learn the vital life lessons that come from facing challenge and disappointment.  How can parents strike a good balance between helping and protecting their children and letting them grapple with real-life issues?  This program will offer concrete suggestions for managing this key dilemma.

Raising Healthy Children in Challenging Times

There is no harder job than being a parent.  Nothing else touches so much of a person so deeply – or so unpredictably – and there is no training for it.  As the pace of change accelerates, parents find it harder to be confident and feel competent.  This program outlines key dilemmas in raising children and adolescents today and offers concrete suggestions for successful coping at home. and school. 

The College Admission Crush: Helping Your Teen—and Yourself—Manage the Pressure

Has the pressure of deadlines been constantly on your mind?  At dinner, is it an effort to discuss but next year’s options?  Is your teen avoiding you and resisting college-related conversations?  Come get some perspective.  We will review tips that can help you survive the storm of senior year and lay the groundwork for a healthy launch.